Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Radish...and I'm not talking about the veg.

Now, I think we've established I like vegetables. (We just got our garden put's been a wet, cool spring here in Erie. I'll be doing more Views of my Garden soon!)  But when I mention Radish here, I'm not talking about the small red vegetable that grows in that garden. I'm talking about a newish app (well, new to me for sure).

I just loaded my first story on Radish Fiction.  I'm anxious to see how it works. 

Basically, you read a book in "episodes." Each episode is a couple thousand words. According to the app, they take under ten minutes to read. My second episode goes up today.

I'm finding the concept intriguing. Between family, writing and going back to school, my reading time is becoming more and more limited. But ten minutes? I can find ten minutes sitting in the car waiting to pick someone up. I can find that much time while stirring dinner on the stove.  I can find that much time...well, you get the picture, I can find that much time.  

I started with The Moments, a novella that's tied to Briar Hill Road.  And I'll be loading two full-length books, How to Hunt a Husband and The Makeover soon.  As an author, I'll see how it goes from there. As a reader, I think it's a cool concept and I'm enjoying it so far.

I've had books serialized in Japan before, and I know that my kids read on their phones.  So it's not a new concept, but I think it's a timely one. I know I'm not the only one out there too busy to breathe some days.

You can check Radish out wherever you buy your apps.  Search Radish Fiction.  And I've added that pink R to my list of places to buy my books at the end of each blog post. You can get there from that logo.

I hope you'll check out the app, and check out my stories there.  Please hit subscribe...that way you'll know when new stories come out.


My books are available as ebooks, paperbacks, hardbacks, audiobooks and available through Kindle Unlimited.  They're also available in a lot of other languages. I hope there's something for all of you!

In Erie, you can find my books on the shelf at Werner Books! Stop in, check them out and tell them I said hi!

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Book Stories: I Waxed My Legs for This?

 I've got to confess, I love coming up with titles. I've kept most of mine, which is rare.  Yes, publishers get the final say on titles, covers and back cover blurbs.

But of all my titles, I Waxed My Legs for This? is probably my favorite. This was the first book that sold to Harlequin. I laughed my way through writing it.  I have a friend who was talking about writing comedy and said, "I can never tell if something's funny until someone else tells me." I snorted and said, "I laugh my butt off whenever I write."  She whispered, "So do I, but it felt impolite to say so."  LOL Did I mention she'd a very sweet, Southern lady?

So please understand how much I laughed as my heroine put wax all over her legs...and called her best friend, the potential hero, to rip it off.  Yes, in my mind a true hero will rip hair from your legs.  

My grandmother however was aghast.  She never shaved her legs a day in her life and didn't have any hair on them.  So, shaving (and waxing) must make hairy legs.  LOL

And that's one of my I Waxed My Legs for This? stories.  And it's on sale today and tomorrow for 99¢.  I hope you'll check it out!  Maybe you'll agree that love can be a sticky situation...especially when you're in love with your best friend!


My books are available as ebooks, paperbacks, hardbacks, audiobooks and available through Kindle Unlimited.  They're also available in a lot of other languages. I hope there's something for all of you!

In Erie, you can find my books on the shelf at Werner Books! Stop in, check them out and tell them I said hi!

Friday, May 25, 2018

Something fun for readers (I hope)...

Reviews.  Back in the stone age (remember the days before ebooks and audiobooks?) I didn't worry too much about reviews. They just showed up from RT (which announced it's over and done with...I'm sad) and other professional sources. 

Occasionally we'd hear from a reader, but it was mainly professional review publications that mattered.

These days, writers rely on reviews from readers. It makes such a bit difference at sites like Amazon and Goodreads.  It's not professional reviewers, but readers that can really make a book.  (So if you read one of my books, please consider sending a quick review to your favorite online site?  But keep reading, that's not the main point of this blog post...)

When I wrote my first Quincy Mac book, Steamed, I had family reviews for it. They're still some of my favorites. For second book in the series, Dusted, I had writer friends write funny reviews.  In Spruced Up, Christmas characters and for Swept Up, I even some fake movie reviews.  

So I need some for the new Maid in LA book, Polished Off. I thought maybe asking online friends would be fun? So write your best Maid in LA review and email or message me...or post it here. I'll use what I can!

Examples from Steamed:
Reviews from the author's family:

"Hey, at least it's not a romance." Holly's son.

"Dear God, not another cop character. Any police procedural inaccuracies are all Holly's. They are not the fault of her personal police models. Of course, the fact that she portrays cops as hunks is totally accurate." Holly's husband and two brothers (aka...the cops)

*"Holly is a fantastic writing talent...not that I'm biased."
~Holly's favorite daughter*

*"Holly Jacobs is an auto-buy for me. Not that I buy her books...she gives them to me."
~Holly's favorite daughter*

*"Holly makes me do her books." ~Holly's favorite daughter*

Holly has three daughters...she has no favorites.

If you've got a minute, I'd love to see your funny, or serious review!


My books are available as ebooks, paperbacks, hardbacks, audiobooks and available through Kindle Unlimited.  They're also available in a lot of other languages. I hope there's something for all of you!

Find my books at:
Google Play

In Erie, you can find my books on the shelf at Werner Books! Stop in, check them out and tell them I said hi!

Thursday, May 24, 2018

On Writing (and life): Perspective

  1. 1.
    the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point.
    "a perspective drawing"
  2. 2.
    a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.

Today I'm talking about the second part of perspective's definition...that idea of changing our way of looking at something.  That idea of changing our point-of-view, POV.

Writers spend a great deal of time thinking about POV. Each character we write has one that's distinctly their own.  When I'm writing that character, I try not to see the world through my eyes, but rather through their eyes.  

Maybe they've suffered a loss, like the heroine in Just One Thing...that will color how they see the world.  

Maybe they've cleaned a murder scene, like Quincy in the Maid in LA series.  That definitely colors her perspective.'s something I spend a lot of my 'working' day thinking about.  I want each character to ring authentic in a story, so I have to think about it. 

And I think that first part of the definition really is applicable as well.  I'm trying to build a fully three-dimensional person on a two dimensional page and "give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point."

(I'm pretty pleased with that particular insight to be honest.  It will give me something to think about today as I write.)

But that idea of perspective is important in real life, too.  It's easy to get stuck in a rut.  To think or act in a particular way without thought.  That's when changing your perspective and looking at the world from a different angle makes sense.  

So some days, I change things up and work somewhere else.  Now that the weather is nice, I try to spend a day or two each week working at camp (there's a video of my view in a sec).  Sometimes I give myself a Day of Beauty to remind myself that not matter what's going on, the world is amazing.

But sometimes it's more than that.  Sometimes, as I try to understand someone, I try to put myself in their shoes.  I try to see the world through their POV and that...that can change my own.  

I think the world would be a better place—and filled with a lot more glee—if everyone took a moment to try to understand where someone else is coming from.  And even if we'll never agree with them (I don't agree with every character I write) we can understand them better. And once you understand someone, it's easier to accept them—accept them and love them.

That's why I write romance. Because that need to be loved and accepted is universal.  It's something that speaks to me as a writer, and hopefully speaks to you all as readers.

That's my thought on writing—and life—today!

And while I have you here, I want to thank everyone who took a moment to offer me and Ella condolences on losing Ethel. We both appreciate it more than you can know, and your concern gave us solace.


Here's my writing view at camp yesterday.  We're going to start the stone behind the woodstove soon!
My books are available as ebooks, paperbacks, hardbacks, audiobooks and available through Kindle Unlimited.  They're also available in a lot of other languages. I hope there's something for all of you!

Find my books at:
Google Play

In Erie, you can find my books on the shelf at Werner Books! Stop in, check them out and tell them I said hi!

Saturday, May 19, 2018

A Dog's Life...RIP Ethel

 This was a hard to write...Ethel Merman crossed the rainbow bridge and my heart is aching.  I decided she deserved a bit of an obit since so many of you knew her from my books and posts. So here goes...

We adopted Ethel shortly after losing our Old English Mastiff.  We stopped at the shelter to visit and the kids met her and fell in love.  She daintily put a paw up, as if asking us to take her home.  I'll confess, I didn't want another dog.  I thought some dog-free years were in order.

And yet, there was that paw and the kids asking...uh, strenuously.  Her name was Madison back then.

The pound had also mentioned Black-Dog Syndrome.  Ethel had been been available for adoption for months, but black dogs find it difficult to find homes.

So I said yes.  We picked up her, brought her home to surprise the kids.  They were thrilled. We renamed her Ethel Merman...because no way was she a Madison.  

The kids did adore her, but we all found out rather quickly Eth came with some issues. She made it pretty clear early on she was my dog.  She loved the kids, but she was my shadow.  And when we left, she suffered.  So we bought our dog a dog.  Ella Fitzgerald.  And while Ethel was still my dog, she was attached at the hip with Ella.

 They spent every day together.  This last year, Ethel started to decline and couldn't walk any more.  Ella gave up walks to stay by her side.  Sometimes not by her side...but on her.
When I was wrapping up my Everything But... series, the last book had Ethel and Ella in it.  Of course, I changed their names so the PUParazzi wouldn't hound them. (Even Ethel groaned at that one!)  She enjoyed her fame. 

But despite that fame, Ethel was a humble dog.  She might have had a few issues, but she loved her family and was loved by her family.  And in the end, what more could any one, any dog, ask for?

So RIP Ethel.  You will be missed.

I hope if you're considering a new pet, you consider adopting a pet.  Despite her issues, Ethel was a great dog and we all miss her.


PS. When Everything But a Dog came out I did a series of posts about dog adoptions.  I'm including links.  All the pets in these blogs were like Ethel...looking for a forever home.  I hope you're inspired to visit a shelter and adopt a dog in need.  Check out some of these stories...
Tami and Marguerite
Lori and Charlie

Tami and Aylen
Snookie and friends
Penn and Blackie
Jane and the Rescue Farm
Paulette and Yvette

Samantha, Angel and Sally
Kay, Tizzy, Gaby, Zip and Jackson
Elizabeth and Butch
Cindy and Katie
Animal Rescue Volunteer, Catherine Mann

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Heading to the beach...a new release, some romance and a few dead bodies!

A new release is always exciting, even if the new release is just a boxed set of three of your older releases. Yesterday, my 2nd annual Beach Read Bundle came out.  I spent a lot of time with the-powers-that-be trying to decide which books to include.  I wanted light, frothy read that readers could take on their summer vacations.  And I love that they priced it at less than the cost of two books.  Three for less than two.  That means even if you've read one of the books, it still pays to buy the bundle for the other two. (I'm feeling all mathy!)

So which books are in this year's limited time boxed set? It doesn't really take a detective to figure it out.  LOL

First up is the first Maid in LA book, Steamed.  I'll be honest, these stories have some of my all time favorite reviews.  LOL  The 5th Maid in LA book, Polished Off, comes out in June, so this one seemed like a great way to introduce LA's favorite Maid to new readers.

Which led us to choosing Can't Find NoBODY for the second book.  Yes, it includes both my love of Mondays, a bit of glee and a disappearing body.  Think a Weekend at Bernie's romance.  This one's a nice cross between cozy mystery and romance.

Which led to the third story...Confessions of a Party Crasher.  The heroine's lost her job and comes a crazy mother who turns her into an inadvertent party crasher.  This is a romantic comedy, but I love that it has a serious message... sometimes what you think you want isn't what you want at all!

What I really want is for all of you to have a wonderful summer.  I hope you get to visit a nearby beach (and take me...or rather one of my books along).  You can bet I'll be on Presque Isle for some beautiful Erie sunsets. (I took this pic last truly is gorgeous out there!)

So please, pick up 
Holly Jacobs' 2018 Beach Read and let your friends know it's out. Remember it's only available until the end of summer.  And if you've read all three of those books, THANK YOU!!  Please consider checking out some of my other work at:

Google Play

In Erie, you can find my books on the shelf at Werner Books! Stop in, check them out and tell them I said hi!

Thank you all for all your support.  
Keep an eye out.  I'm doing another cottage tour soon...we've been busy!  And even though I don't have any official classes this summer, I'm still busy.  So watch for more of my arting! And my friend Susan and I are doing a few videos for you soon. If you've subscribed to my blog, you won't miss any.  I'm posting our teaser.

And please, if you have a few moments, leave a review for any of my books you've read!
Have a great day...dare a say, a gleeful day? LOL
