Saturday, May 12, 2018

On Writing: Small Things, Big Impact

A while back, I was cleaning out some files and came across an old rejection letter.  Yes...rejection.  It's something pretty much every author deals with.  Some were just form letters, "Thank you for sending us your proposal, but it doesn't meet our needs at this time," sort of notes.  But sometimes, an editor took time to write a personal note. One of my first rejections had one of those.  The editor did a PS to the form letter and said, "You have a very real writing talent...

As someone starting out in this business, that note was something I held onto.  I treated my writing as a business from the get-go.  I wrote every day.  But some days, staring at a blank computer screen, it was hard to find the words.  That's when I reminded myself I had a very real writing talent and muscled through it until I found my rhythm.  When I reread something that was less than I'd hoped, I reminded myself I had a very real writing talent and rewrote it.  When another less wonderful rejection arrived I reminded myself I had a very real writing talent and sent out the next book.  I didn't think of that note every day, but sometimes when I hit a rough patch, it made a big difference. 

That editor never bought a book from me but she made an impact on my career.  When I came across that rejection, I sent her a note to thank her.  I'm pretty sure she didn't remember me, that proposal, or her note, but I felt better having thanked her.

That's the thing about the small things...they don't always get noticed much less acknowledged.  For years I've made nice notes a practice, just a small thank you for some nice gesture someone made.  I once wrote a nice note to an airport security team.  Uh, I don't think they get many. I mean, their supervisor asked if they could reprint it in their newsletter.  LOL 
Here's the point, one of the gifts writing has given me is awareness.  I (try) to look for those small things.  Maybe it would be a better world if we all took a moment to not only notice, but acknowledge those small things that can make such big impacts on our lives.


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