Friday, June 29, 2018

Trippin' with Holly and Susan—8

Today, we're talking about the changes in the publishing industry.  Oh, and you can see my Village People cover. Seriously, I didn't pick it, but it's a thing.


PS Have you picked up my new release, Polished Off: A Maid in LA Mystery?
Join in the fun at:

As always, you can find my ebooks, paperbacks, hardbacks, audiobooks and available through Kindle Unlimited.  They're also available in a lot of other languages. I hope there's something for all of you!

Find my books at:

In Erie, you can find my books on the shelf at Werner Books! Stop in, check them out and tell them I said hi!

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Muscle Memory: My Novel Freshman Experience

I have some summer studio space, so while I'm not technically in class, I'm still working at ceramics.  And by that, I mean, I'm trying to throw on the wheel.  Uh, pardon my graphic language here... but I really suck at it.  

I mean, really. 

 I feel that even as a novice I've done some really lovely hand-built pieces.  I do not feel I've done anything approaching lovely when I use the wheel.  I've done a couple eh pieces.  And I'm actually quite proud of their mediocrity because moving from suck to mediocre is progress. 

You see, there's some real knowledge that's required when using a wheel, but there's some muscle memory, too.  Some measure of understanding the feel of what you're doing.  And while I've read what to do, and I've watched a few potters at the wheel show me what to do, that academic knowledge doesn't do me any good without understanding the feel of it...without having some sort of muscle memory.  

So I'm working at developing muscle memory. And when I have some less than great pieces, I still have been using them to experiment with other aspects of pottery. A few pieces have died as I've tried to cut in the foot (the bottom of the piece). I use the survivors to play with handles, underglazing, and more mocha diffusion pots.  None of my time and effort has really gone to waste.

What I'm learning in the ceramic studio is feeding into other aspects of my life.  I was thinking about muscle memory and realized it's definitely present in writing.  If you read one of my early books, I hope you see my glee in the process.  I hope you hear the beginning of my voice.  I hope you see I worked hard at my attempt.  I hope you find a nice story.  But I also hope that in my later books, you see there's a greater ability.  They're more polished.  I'm able to paint the story with more grace. (If you don't see any growth from early books to new ones, I'm doing something wrong. LOL)  I think some of that growth has to do with muscle memory.  I understand how a book is constructed.  Even when I try something new (like moving from third person in all my early to works to sometimes writing in first person in my more recent ones) I still come to each book with a certain skill set.  One I hope grows with each book I write.

We all have muscle memory.  Certain dishes in the kitchen we can make without really thinking about it.  How to cope with kids...seriously, muscle memories helps with this, but even at that, each situation is vastly different. Taking care of kids can feel like herding cats. LOL  And maybe that's where muscle memory can be a disadvantage.  If you treat each situation as you have in the past, maybe you're missing out on a new angle...a better way.  If a kid has a temper tantrum and you just send them to their room, maybe you're missing out on a new approach.  Forgetting that kids don't have the ability to tell us what's wrong all the time. Maybe asking, Would you like an apple? might shock them out of the tantrum, as well as alleviate the cause if it's hunger.  Maybe working to find out what started the tantrum will help you figure out how to stop it.

I think there's a lot to be said for muscle memory. I'm really hoping to gain a bit of it at the wheel.  But I also want to be sure I'm never so locked into how things HAVE been done, that I miss out on ways they CAN be done.

School really does make me look at my world in new ways...and I for one think that's always a good thing.


PS Have you picked up my new release, Polished Off: A Maid in LA Mystery?
Join in the fun at:

As always, you can find my ebooks, paperbacks, hardbacks, audiobooks and available through Kindle Unlimited.  They're also available in a lot of other languages. I hope there's something for all of you!

Find my books at:

In Erie, you can find my books on the shelf at Werner Books! Stop in, check them out and tell them I said hi!

Monday, June 25, 2018

Trippin' with Holly and Susan—7

Today, Susan is picking on me...a lot. LOL 

Seriously, the theme of today's conversation is Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket and Susan uses my spotty track record as a cautionary tale. 

Climb in the car and come along for the ride, and join in the conversation!


PS Have you picked up my new release, Polished Off: A Maid in LA Mystery?

Join in the fun at:

If you haven't read the series, the first book in the series, Steamed, is free today!

As always, you can find my ebooks, paperbacks, hardbacks, audiobooks and available through Kindle Unlimited.  They're also available in a lot of other languages. I hope there's something for all of you!
Find my books at:

In Erie, you can find my books on the shelf at Werner Books! Stop in, check them out and tell them I said hi!

Friday, June 22, 2018

Trippin' with Holly and Susan—6

Susan Gable and I are talking about empty nests today. (My nest empties...then fills back up...then empties...) 

Climb in the backseat and come along for the ride...we'd love to have you join the conversation!



Have you picked up Quincy Mac's (our Maid in LA) newest adventure, Polished Off? 
Join in the fun at:

As always, you can find my ebooks, paperbacks, hardbacks, audiobooks and available through Kindle Unlimited.  They're also available in a lot of other languages. I hope there's something for all of you!

Find my books at:

In Erie, you can find my books on the shelf at Werner Books! Stop in, check them out and tell them I said hi!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Babies in Cages

I have built a career on family and love. On glee.  I have no glee today.

Before I started writing, I worked with breastfeeding moms.

One incident stands out to me. A mother who was going in for open heart surgery and wanted to continue breastfeeding her baby. I worked with her and her doctor and she managed it.  This was a mother who would do anything for her child.  She was in the middle of a health crisis and her first thought was for her child.

I totally understood, because I would do anything for my kids and family.  I would take bullet for them.  I would do anything.  Anything. I would do anything to see that they were safe and had a better life than I had.  I want to give them the world.

So I understand parents who are leaving countries where murder and mayhem reign.  They bring their children and make the hundred/thousand mile trek to our country hoping for asylum.  Hoping to keep their children safe.  Hoping to give their children a better life.  And when they get here, we take their children.  We put them in cages.  We put them in detention centers. We put them in tent cities.  We take babies and put them in cages. 

Babies in cages.

I haven’t slept for the last couple days. Every time I close my eyes I can see these children. I can hear their cries.  And my mother’s heart breaks because a baby is a baby. A child is a child. My human heart breaks.  And yet, I know that nothing I feel can begin to approach what these parents feel.  What these children feel.

Babies in cages.

I have built a career on family, love and glee.

I do not post political things here. I don’t want to bring politics to my sites.  I want to bring glee, optimism and hope.

But I can’t find the glee today.

This isn’t about politics.  This is about children.  About babies.

This is about our government taking children away from their parents and turning them into political pawns. Using them as hostages. This about them putting babies in cages.  This is about them setting up a system with no procedure to reunite these children with their parents.

We have had black stains on our country’s history.  Slaves. Taking Native American children from their families to “educate” them. Japanese internment.  I was aware of our past, but I thought we as a country had moved beyond those horrific stains. And yet, here we are in 2018 putting babies in cages.

So this post isn’t political. It’s about the kind of country we are.  This is about the soul of our country.  And I say, we are better than this. 

Today, please make calls to your representatives.  Not only on a federal level, but on a state level.  Tell them that babies don’t belong in cages.  Tell them to do their jobs and put a stop to this atrocious policy.

Because babies don’t belong in cages.

Those are words I never thought I’d say.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Trippin' with Holly and Susan—5

Deadlines and Procrastination....

Susan and Holly talk about how to get it done!
We talk again about how there's no right way to
write and work.
Climb in the backseat and enjoy the ride!!
write and work.

Have you picked up Quincy Mac's (our Maid in LA) newest adventure, Polished Off? 
Join in the fun at:

PS As always, you can find my ebooks, paperbacks, hardbacks, audiobooks and available through Kindle Unlimited.  They're also available in a lot of other languages. I hope there's something for all of you!
Find my books at:

In Erie, you can find my books on the shelf at Werner Books! Stop in, check them out and tell them I said hi!