Saturday, August 25, 2018

Where Stories Come From

When I started writing, I was unsure what I would write.  I grew up on science fiction and fantasy. That wasn't it.  I sold a poem early on and made $4. I decided that wasn't it.  And then I found romance. I loved how it honed in on two characters, their obstacles and how they found a way beyond them in order to find each other.  Comedy.  Drama. The basic component stays the same. People meet. Things get in the way. They overcome them. They find each other.

And early on, I discovered you could add all kinds of elements to that "formula." And in my Fairy Godmother series, I added...fairies. And comedy.  I was so lucky to find a small press who loved the fairies as much as I did.  And I added my love of Heinlein to the fairy myth.  You see, he felt that characters who are truly loved exist somewhere.  His characters visit Oz.  In my series, the fairies are loved enough that they come to life.  That's where this story began with, what if Heinlein was right.

What-if.  That's where all stories begin.

Over the years I've asked that question about fairy godmothers, wedding cursing grandmas, people recovering from loss, or dealing with pain... I keep asking the question.  All my stories come from that one question. 

The fairy godmother series got new covers a few years back and I love them.  Since then the fairies have found a new group of readers.  The first book, Mad About Max is on sale for $.99.

Talking fairies seems like a nice segue to my latest Trippin' with Holly and Susan where we talk about superheroes.  Yes. I know you're thinking fairies aren't superheroes, but I would argue that fairies and other magical creatures could easily hold their own against superheroes.  Although, if my Fern, Myrtle and Blossom were the fairies in question, there would be mishaps.  Guaranteed.  LOL

Every story begins with someone asking themselves, what if. What if fairies came to life?  What if a kid got bit by a spider?  It's always the same question.


PS Check out the newest Trippin'. If you missed any, you can find them on YouTube.

Don't forget my new release Polished Off: A Maid in LA Mystery is out! Check out Quincy's newest adventure!

And there's a salespalooza this month. Check out:
Just One Thing
Hold Her Heart
Everything But...series

Don't want to miss any new releases in the future? Subscribe to my Newsletter!! I'll keep you up-to-date and I frequently have something special for subscribers!

As always, you can find my ebooks, paperbacks, hardbacks, audiobooks and available through Kindle Unlimited.  They're also available in a lot of other languages. I hope there's something for all of you!
Find my books at:

In Erie, you can find my books on the shelf at Werner Books! Stop in, check them out and tell them I said hi!

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