Sunday, August 05, 2018

On failure—My Novel Freshman Experience.

It's few weeks before school officially starts and you'll probably be seeing more of My Novel Freshman Experience posts then.  Yes, I'm still a freshman.  There's a good chance I won't be an official sophomore until next year.  Hey, I'm in no hurry. LOL

I've had some studio space this summer and I've still been arting.  I've been trying to throw on the wheel.  I am not great at it.  I am better than when I started.  I can consistently throw a 5 inch piece.  A few times I've hit 6 inches.  They're looking better.  But I still fizzle out.  The piece in the video started out as a cylinder...then it went south and became a bowl. Then I tore the edge...  SIGH.

Now, you'd think, that was an utter failure.

And it was.

But I thought the torn edge looked cool.  So I cut the rest of it, folded some back and turned it into a flower.  I've made a number of sunflowers this year, both painting and in bowls.  This one is different.  I used an underglaze.  We'll see how it looked. But even if it explodes, it was a fun piece to work on.  I tried some new techniques.  I broke one petal, then tried to repair it.  I learned from it.
That's what I wanted to say about failure, sometimes you learn more from a failure than a success.  Sometimes you don't.  But I try not to let the fear of failure keep me from trying something.  And when something fails, I like to look at it and see if there's something to be made from it or learned from it.

I'm so looking forward to getting back to official ceramics classes.  And I'm thinking about maybe taking two classes in the spring term.  Ceramics (I'm taking those until they kick me out) and an actual class.  Like with books. And reports.  And presentations.  After I got all giddy over doing the ceramics presentation, I suspect I'll enjoy the challenge.

So buckle up buttercup...we're heading back to school!!


PS. Don't forget my new release Polished Off: A Maid in LA Mystery is out! Check out Quincy's newest adventure!

And there's a salespalooza this month. Check out:
Just One Thing
Hold Her Heart
Everything But...series

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In Erie, you can find my books on the shelf at Werner Books! Stop in, check them out and tell them I said hi!

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