Friday, February 21, 2020


View from my doctor's office.

Yep, with a view like that, I almost don't mind going to the doctor's...almost.

It's been 9 months since my first infection in my leg. I had surgery in August, then another surgery in December. They took out 16 screws and two plates out of my thigh. That helped the infection clear up, although I was left with a holey bone. The minions and I started referring to it as my Swiss Cheese Leg. Well after months on crutches and then limited walking in the house, I was finally given permission to start walking for exercise again.

Yesterday I walked around the block! It was in the twenties. I had to pull out my cold-weather-walking-coat, but I didn't mind because I'm FREE!

Fitbit here I come!

Seriously, I was years of never missing a 10,000 step day. The day of my first surgery, I was trying to get my steps in before my surgery. They came for me early and that was the first day I missed my count.

Now, I won't be back to walking 8+ miles a day today or even tomorrow, but I'm going to start working toward step at a time. I'm hoping in a couple weeks I can creep up to at least those 10,000 steps and keep adding to that.

I think that's a good reminder to myself...for all of us. Change can happen, but it doesn't have to happen all at once. Small changes can grow into bigger changes. A walk around the block can grow into a couple miles. The kernel of an idea can grow into a novel. A piece of clay can grow into a ugly-face jug! LOL

One step at a time.

Literally in my case!

That idea of change is a good one to explore. For me, I'm changing from a couch potato back into a walker. Maybe there's some change you've been thinking about? Maybe it feels too big and cumbersome. Well, take a page from my book and take it one small step at a time. Yesterday I went around the block...who knows where I'll be walking today!

I'm so jazzed that as spring arrives I should be almost back to normal. (Normal being relative in my case!)


PS Speaking of one step at a time, another Hometown Hearts story is out in a couple weeks. You can preorder it now at your favorite online bookstore! Thanks as always for the support!

OUT NOW: Crib Notes

Preorder: A Special Kind of Different

Preorder: Homecoming

The rest of the Hometown Hearts series will be coming soon.
Suddenly a Father will be out in September of 2020 and
Something Borrowed, Something Blue and Something Perfect in 2021!

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