I'm getting asked again for book club questions. Here's they are for my most recent release. I'll put up questions for Carry Her Heart soon.
Book club Questions for
These Three Words:
1. What did you think when you first saw the title, These Three Words? Did your thoughts about the title change after you’d finished the book?
2. Addie and Gray met in school and their friendship grew into something more. Have you ever had a relationship that shifted over the years from one thing to another?
3. For Addie, the fishing shack on the bay became more than a place to live, it became her refuge. In your life, is there someplace you go when you need a safe harbor?
4. At what moment/event/catalyst in the book do you think Gray truly transitioned from being Addie's friend to something more?
5. Maude shows Addie a simple kindness in the emergency room and they begin to share their stories. For the first time in months, Addie remembers a happier moment in her relationship with Gray. Have you ever found it easier to talk to a stranger who doesn't know you're story than to your friends/family?
6. James tells Addie that she should accept help from her friends. Have you ever had problems asking, or simply accepting, help? Why do you think it's easier to give assistance than to ask for it?
7. In These Three Words, Gray has trouble finding the words. Not just the right words, but sometimes any words. Have you ever had a moment that words escaped you? How did you find the right ones?
8. Finding a new way to look at a situation can change everything about how you interpret the events that surround it. Have you ever had an experience where you changing your perspective changed everything about a situation?
8. Finding a new way to look at a situation can change everything about how you interpret the events that surround it. Have you ever had an experience where you changing your perspective changed everything about a situation?
9. Mark tells Addie that three words matter. What three words have mattered most to you in your relationships?
10. What is your take-away from These Three Words?