Saturday, January 30, 2016

Book Club Questions for These Three Words

I'm getting asked again for book club questions.  Here's they are for my most recent release.  I'll put up questions for Carry Her Heart soon.


Book club Questions for
These Three Words:     

1.  What did you think when you first saw the title, These Three Words?  Did your thoughts about the title change after you’d finished the book?   

2.  Addie and Gray met in school and their friendship grew into something more.  Have you ever had a relationship that shifted over the years from one thing to another?  

3.  For Addie, the fishing shack on the bay became more than a place to live, it became her refuge. In your life, is there someplace you go when you need a safe harbor?  

4.  At what moment/event/catalyst in the book do you think Gray truly transitioned from being Addie's friend to something more?    
5.  Maude shows Addie a simple kindness in the emergency room and they begin to share their stories.  For the first time in months, Addie remembers a happier moment in her relationship with Gray.  Have you ever found it easier to talk to a stranger who doesn't know you're story than to your friends/family?

6.  James tells Addie that she should accept help from her friends.  Have you ever had problems asking, or simply accepting, help?  Why do you think it's easier to give assistance than to ask for it?

7.  In These Three Words, Gray has trouble finding the words.  Not just the right words, but sometimes any words.  Have you ever had a moment that words escaped you?  How did you find the right ones? 

8. Finding a new way to look at a situation can change everything about how you interpret the events that surround it.  Have you ever had an experience where you changing your perspective changed everything about a situation? 

9.  Mark tells Addie that three words matter. What three words have mattered most to you in your relationships?  

10. What is your take-away from These Three Words?

Holly Jacobs' Book News

January has started off with a bang!  My newest release—These Three Words is garnering lovely reader reviews! I hope you'll check it out!  And a bunch of my books are on sale here in the US and in the UK and Germany as well!
This weekend is your last chance to catch these January SalePalooza deals!!

US Amazon:
Cinderella Wore Tennis Shoes
Bosom Buddies

UK Amazon:
These Three Words 
Bosom Buddies 
Cinderella Wore Tennis Shoes 

German Amazon:
Nur eine Sache (Just One Thing)

And the fun doesn't end there.  I'm starting to pull together my 2016 Release Line-up:
March: Rerelease eBook, A Day Late and a Bride Short 
February: Short Stories for the Overworked and Under-Read: Anthology  

Coming soon...aCupid Falls story and the sequel to Carry Her Heart.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Pearly Gates

Pearly Gates has been readers' favorite since her first book. I'm so thrilled she's getting another chance to shine in March when A Day Late and a Bride Short is finally available as an eBook. Here's one of Pearly's famous stories...

“Well, I was right about that. Like I said, turnips were more interesting. But somehow, years ago, she managed to capture a beau. His name was Trubald.”

“Trubald?” Sarah repeated.

Pearly bristled. “It’s a good name. His granddad Trubald was a soldier and that’s who he was named after. Anyway, he lost his leg.”

“Trubald’s grandfather lost his leg in a war?” Sarah asked.

“No, Trubald.”

“Oh, how tragic. That must have been hard for him to deal with. How did it happen?”

Pearly skooched half a cushion closer, and her voice lowered, as if she were telling some State secret. “Well, the way it was told to me was, he was out drinking one night, and just lost it. No one ever quite figured out how you just lose a leg, but somehow Trubald did it, and no one ever saw hide nor hair of it again.”

“He’s lucky he didn’t bleed to death,” Sarah said, trying to imagine being so drunk you could lose a leg and not know how.

“Now, why on earth would losing a prosthetic limb make you bleed to death?” Pearly lightly tapped Sarah’s forehead. “Keep up, girl. He’d had that peg leg since he was seventeen and lost his real leg in a fluke racin’ accident.”

Sarah wasn’t going to ask what a fluke racing accident was. She just wanted to get out of here, so she wasn’t going to ask.

She wasn’t.

But Pearly just sat there, obviously waiting for her to ask, and despite her best intentions she couldn’t disappoint Pearly. So she asked, “Fluke racing accident?”

Pearly beamed. “Yep. Trubald, he was racin’ his brother Truck—who, before you ask, was really named Truman, but seeing as he looked more like a truck than a Truman, well, Truck was the name he went by. And he was racin’ Trubald that day when Trubald lost his leg. Only it wasn’t a fair race. Truck was in an auto and Trubald wasn’t. Trubald, he slipped and Truck ran over his leg. So Trubald got that fake one, and years later got drunk one night and lost it.”

Pearly paused and sucked in a quick breath. Sarah was waiting for it, ready to jump and try to get out of this story, but years of telling long-winded stories had made Pearly an expert on breathing without giving up the floor. Before Sarah could get a word in edgewise, Pearly was back at it.

“Well, my cousin Lerlene said she wasn’t marrying no man who drank so much he lost a leg, and she broke off their engagement. A couple years later, Trubald, he laid off the drink, got a new leg and a new fiancĂ©e and Lerlene’s one chance at love limped off to a marriage that’s still strong today.”

You can find out more about A Day Late and a Bride Short or preorder it at Amazon.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

2016 Releases

2016 Releases!!

I promised you news on this year's releases as soon as they came in! Both are available for preorder now!

And in March one of my earliest books, A DAY LATE AND A BRIDE SHORT is finally available is an eBook!

I'm waiting for dates on a new Cupid Falls story and the sequel to Carry Her Heart...I'll send them out asap!

While you're waiting, I hope you'll check out my most recent release, THESE THREE WORDS!

“A heart breaking love story with exceptional scenes...Highly recommended.”
Obsessed Book Reviews
These Three Words by Holly Jacobs is about rediscovering love, even during the toughest times.”
Harlequin Junkie

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Changing Directions

It's been a mild winter in Erie so far.  The last few days, the temps have been in the forties.  I know people in some places are thinking brrr.  Here, when the temperature hits the upper forties a certain someone at my house mulls the need for shorts.

The Weather Channel is telling me that later today, things are going to change.  The temperature is going to drop and lake effect snow will be kicking in.  (I talk about lake effect snow frequently in my's a thing.)  So I despite this morning's rain, I struck out for a two mile walk, determined to enjoy not needing a hat, gloves and layers...many, many layers.

Things were fine when I walked east.  But then I turned and walked south.  The rain pelted against the front of my umbrella, so I tilted it.  My view became just this tiny swath of ground directly in front of me.  I concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other and plodded forward.  I questioned the wisdom of walking in a mini-monsoon.  It was a huge relief when I turned west.  Things got better.  Not great, but better.  Then I turned north.  My umbrella was tilted toward the back and my view was expansive.  I though, wow, this walk was a great idea.  It was warm enough that I unzipped my raincoat.

As I was walking, enjoying the view I thought, what a difference changing directions can make.

And then I thought to myself (I do a lot of thinking on my morning walks) that changing directions can make a difference in more than a morning walk, but in life.  If things seem daunting and my view seems narrow and constrictive, maybe it's time to change directions.

I plan to keep this morning's walk in mind the next time I hit a rough patch here.  It's something to think about.


PS Notice I didn't mention the dogs on this morning's walk.  They looked out the door and then looked at me as if to say, you're crazy.  

Thursday, January 07, 2016

Cooks and Books, #2.5 Cinnamon Rolls and a tour!

Okay, I promised you a bonus video with another treat you can use yesterday's bread dough for. 
And a couple people asked for a kitchen tour. Here you go...

PS. I swear I don't have a chicken collection!

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Sunday, January 03, 2016

January Newsletter!!

Happy New Year, everyone!!  I haven't made resolutions in years...I choose a word of the year.  This year's choice?  Time.  

Speaking of time, On New Year's Day it was time to draw the winner of the Kindle Fire!!  And the winner is...Kim!!

There will be more drawings and special offers for newsletter subscribers in 2016!  Want in on the fun?  Subscribe to my newsletter.


2016 is starting with a sale on two of my earliest books that Montlake Romance reprinted for Kindle, Cinderella Wore Tennis Shoes and Bosom Buddies as well as a sale on my first mystery  series anthology, Maid in LA Mysteries Anthology.

 Finally, there's a new anthology that is available for preorder now.
 Short Stories for the Overworked and Under-Read. It will be released on February 9th.

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year!  And congrats again to Kim!
