Thursday, December 21, 2023

Being a Woman

I watched Barbie this weekend and loved it. Loved the message and loved the memories. Oh, how I loved my Barbies. I had two Malibu Barbies that I dubbed the twins. I had a Ken who couldn't keep his head on his shoulders. I had a black haired Barbie...who was my first one. And...  Well there was a whole gang.  Oh the adventures they had. 

I'm going to confess, the movie got me thinking about my life and who I am. What sort of woman I am. I've spent most of my life working as a writer...working for myself. There was no man I answered to. I've worked some marvelous female editors (if you're one of them reading this...thank you!). I've been surrounded by a cadre of women writers who've supported me and over the years have become more than colleagues, but rather friends. 

But I'm more than a writer. That comes second to my other main job. I'm a mother of four—three  are daughters. Looking back, I know I wasn't a perfect mother. God knows, I wasn't perfect. But I did try to be perfect in my attempt. I apologized when I was wrong. I tried to be there for them. And I hoped they saw in me a strong woman who spent her life trying to do her best and loving them wholeheartedly.

Do you remember Caps for Sale? The peddler wore a stack of hats on his head and had to balance them carefully. That's what being a woman is. Balancing a stack of hats as you walk through life trying to avoid the monkeys. The things you expect of yourself. The things others expect of you. Every choice you make adds a hat to the pile you carry.

I raised four kids. I've cared for other kids. I was a kindergarten story lady (like Pip in Carry Her Heart). I was on the PTA (like my PTA Mom trilogy). I was on the school board. I volunteered in a Teen Parenting program. I planned the kids game for our school's Feather Party (like Once Upon a Thanksgiving). When I was young, I cared for three younger brothers after school. Then  I cared for my kids. Then my grandmother as she got older. My mother-in-law when she got sick (like Briar Hill Road). I cared for my neighbor, Marge, who had no one. We made her family. Now I care for the Minions and an aunt and...caring. That's been my life's major calling. 

Back to Caps for Sale...I've dropped hats. Over and over again, the monkeys have come along and I've lost all my hats. But after a moment,  I stopped, picked them up and kept going.

That's what being a woman is for me.  A series of dropping my hats and then picking them up and getting on with it.

I agree with Barbie...being a woman is hard.  But it's a joy. I might juggle a lot of hats and I might not be perfect, but truly it's been my glee. 


On Sale for $.99:
A Hometown Christmas



Christmas in Cupid Falls is on sale at Amazon for $.99/

Slip and Fall: A Harry's Pottery Mystery #2 Kindle, iBooks, Kobo, Nook A View to a Kiln: A Harry's Pottery Mystery #1 KindleiBooksKoboNook
A View to a Kiln on Jeopardy!!

Exclusively available for Kindle and KU.
 Around the Square
Book 1, 2 , 3 & 4 are out now. 
Book 5 is available for preorder!

Hometown Hearts

Tuesday, December 05, 2023

A Hometown Christmas

Happy Holidays...or should I say, HOLLYdays??!!

I know I've been talking about my new release, Slip and Fall: A Harry's Pottery Mystery, but today I'm talking about A Hometown's on sale for $.99 just in time for Christmas! Come join my hometown gang and celebrate with this very special holiday story!

One of my all time favorite reviews from a Hallmark Holiday movie friend, was, "This should be a Harllmark movie." I'll let you know if Hallmark calls! LOL In the meantime, I hope you'll give it a read! 

I wish you all a wonderful holiday season, whatever holiday you celebrate! 


PS. While you're shopping the sale, check out my most recent books and pre-order the what's-coming-next ones?

Slip and Fall: A Harry's Pottery Mystery #2 Kindle, iBooks, Kobo, Nook A View to a Kiln: A Harry's Pottery Mystery #1 KindleiBooksKoboNook
A View to a Kiln on Jeopardy!!

Exclusively available for Kindle and KU.
 Around the Square
Book 1, 2 , 3 & 4 are out now. 
Book 5 is available for preorder!

Hometown Hearts

Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Holly's November Newsletter

Harry's back with book #2...
Slip and Fall

Harry's Kiln' It!

Harry's solved the mystery of a dead body in her kiln. All this potter wants to do is get back to her studio, back to the life she's built...and back to her budding romance with attorney, Micah McCain. Then a customer slips and falls...and ends up dead. Looks like Erie, PA's small business owner and budding sleuth is back on the case.

Can Harry juggle friends, family and solve a murder...for a second time? She's not Claying Around!

Barnes and Noble
Apple Books

Harry's 1st, bestselling story:
Barnes & Noble
Apple Books

Check out Harry's Pottery Jeopardy appearance on YouTube!

Happy Fall, everyone! I've been busy since I talked to you last. Himself (my husband) went out for donuts and came home with...a puppy! Yes, Tallulah has a baby sister, Mabel. She discovered snow this morning.

I had a busy summer in the studio. Lots of new things and so much fun! You can find pics of some of the pieces on my social media. I love that Harry's Pottery combines my love of writing with my love of...well, claying! 

The fifth book in the Around the Square series is out in the new year. It's Kindle/KU exclusive. You can check it out here. 

Have a great holiday season! I'll talk to you in the new year!


Slip and Fall: A Harry's Pottery Mystery #2 Kindle, iBooks, Kobo, Nook A View to a Kiln: A Harry's Pottery Mystery #1 KindleiBooksKoboNook
A View to a Kiln on Jeopardy!!

Exclusively available for Kindle and KU.
 Around the Square
Book 1, 2 , 3 are out now. 
Book 5 is available for preorder!

Hometown Hearts

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Getting like a good piece of cast iron.

A new blog suggested by Liz...

We're all getting older.

I know, I know. Some people would like to ignore that, but I'll confess, I embrace my aging. I find myself just a bit happier and a bit more comfortable in my own skin as I get older. I love the life I've built with Himself. I love the family we've built. Well, I'm happy.

Maybe I don't mind getting older so much because I have a fondness for old things. My house is filled with antiques. I was talking about buying a Griswold pan for all my Minions. I want one to give each of them as they graduate. (I know, it's a few years off, but I like to be prepared.) I've been teaching them to cook...and a lot of my cooking is in my Griswold, so that's where they're learning. I would like all of them to be fully functioning humans when they are young adults. Learning to feed yourself and others is a part of that. Learning to care for your personal needs is another...which is why after a summer-of-cooking, next summer is going to be the summer-of-laundry. They're going to learn how to do their own laundry, fold it and put is away. (I do love summer-themes...a couple summers ago, we had a summer-of-rafting. We built a few with varying degrees of success and eventually came up with a working raft! And you can ask the Minions about their summer-of-salad...loving salad was not the result, but they can all eat a salad, I'll call that a win.)

Back to the Griswold. The cast iron pans were made here in Erie. (If you read my books, you know how much I love writing about my hometown. I love collecting things from Erie as well.) The pan I cook in almost daily is over 100 years old. It's old, but still functional. One of the pieces we picked up recently was rough. It was rusted and had some pitting. We've been working on it and it's once again functional. It's developing a nice finish. It might be a bit worse for wear, but it does it's job.

That's what I'm hoping for as I age. Maybe I'll be a bit rusty with some pitting, but I want to still get the job done. I want to be hanging with the kids as they learn to build rafts, learn to cook, and do their own laundry. And so many other things. I want to help them find the beauty in the outdoors. I want to make them ask questions and go looking for the answers. I want them to be fully functional humans. 

I've always been a fan of the triple goddess. Maiden, Mother and Crone. I found my younger years uncomfortable, and truly felt I came into my own in those mid-years, raising kids and caring for the elderly in my life. And I look at the crone-years with a sense of potential. The kids don't need me the same way. The Minions still have a few things to learn from me, but they don't need me as intensely. I feel like I'm coming into my own. Like my Griswold, I might show my years, but I still have work to do and I can still get it done!

I can't wait to see what comes next!


PS. Speaking of what comes next, have you read my most recent books and pre-ordered the what's-coming-next ones?

Slip and Fall: A Harry's Pottery Mystery #2 Kindle, iBooks, Kobo, Nook A View to a Kiln: A Harry's Pottery Mystery #1 KindleiBooksKoboNook
A View to a Kiln on Jeopardy!!

Exclusively available for Kindle and KU.
 Around the Square
Book 1, 2 , 3 are out now. 
Book 5 is available for preorder!

Hometown Hearts

Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Banned Books Week

 It's banned books week again.

It breaks my heart to see the growing list of books being banned across this country. I grew up in books. Really.  I read LOTR's so many time I feel quite accurate saying I grew up in Middle Earth. I solved mysteries with Trixie Belden (she gets a shout out in the Maid in LA series). I traveled the universe with Heinlein's Lazarus Long. This wasn't one of his juvenile fiction books. And there's a very good chance some of the themes were too adult for me when I first read them, but I loved Lazarus.  

Books saved me in so many ways. They raised me. They made me think and question the world around me...and question my place in it. I walked in other shoes. I saw the world through other POV's. It's infuriating seeing books I loved on that list. 

What I'd really like is to never have to have another week that warns about the dangers of banning books. But the amount of books being banned has picked up over the last year, so I don't think that's coming any time soon. Until then, I'll keep talking about books...especially the banned ones.

If you don't like a book...don't read it. If you don't think it's appropriate for your kids, don't let them read it. But don't take away my right to read it, or try to limit what my kids can read. I tell the Minions...if they ban it, read it. Figure out what that book is saying that people don't want you to know. For instance, I read about a teacher being fired for reading her class My Shadow is Purple. I bought it, loved the story, read it to the Minions then had a talk about inclusion and acceptance. They got the message of the story and couldn't understand why any adult wouldn't want them to read it.

I don't get it either.

Want to find out more? Check out Banned Books in the US. Heck, just Google banned books. Look up "libraries and banned books." Buy banned books. Read banned books. Really. If someone tells you not to read it.


Sunday, August 13, 2023

Holly Jacobs' August Newsletter

Who's the Boss? is finally out!!

I hope you all are having a wonderful summer. We've been busy at camp. There are so many projects that still need done after last year's addition. But despite that, we still find time to have fun. This weekend's bonfire was amazing!

In other news, we have a new addition...Mabel Francis. Tallulah wasn't sure at first, but they're growing closer every day. And a puppy does add to the summer chaos! Our dogs do tend to make it into my books...keep an eye out for Mabel sometime in the future. (Yes, it might be hard to see dogs are not super photogenic. LOL)

But the big news is, Who's the Boss, book #4 in the Around the Square series, is finally out for your Kindle!!

Mia loves everything about her job...everything except Larry Mackenzie. But sometimes fate makes unlikely allies. When Mac inherits a baby, Mia helps out with Katie O'Keefe until Mac can find the baby a forever home. But the more time they spend together, the more Mia discovers that maybe she was wrong. Something about Mac is pulling at her. But if he can't open his heart to Katie, how will he ever let Mia in? Mac needs to discover that family isn’t something you are born into, sometimes it’s something just waiting for you to discover. If you listen, your heart can show you the way to your true family...and everlasting love.

In Who's the Boss?, Mac and Mia find that sometimes the path you think you're on isn't where you're supposed to be headed at all.

If you've missed any of the Amazon exclusive series, you can find them all here... 

Around the Square.

I waited to send out my Who's the Boss email because I wanted to let you know that Suddenly a Father is on sale for $.99 for the rest of August.

 Suddenly a Father

That's it for now! The second Harry's Pottery, Slip and Fall is out this autumn. If you missed A View to a Kiln, (a Jeopardy answer!!) check it out!

As always, thanks for all your support! Enjoy the last days of summer...and if you have kids at home, REALLY enjoy when they go back to school!


Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Getting Outside Leads to Looking Inside

 When I had those two surgeries on my leg a few years back, my biggest question was, "When can I get out walking again?" The doctor quickly came to realize how much I enjoy walking (the day of the second surgery I scolded him because he was early and I hadn't finished my 10,000 steps yet LOL). When I finally got the go ahead to ditch the crutches and start walking, he put things in my terms. "Five hundred steps a day, Holly. You can added five hundred more steps every day." I was free!

Since then, I've tried to put those steps to good use. One of my daughters and I are trying to visit all 123 State Parks. Some are literally just a visit. There's no real hiking involved. Pennsylvania has a lot of little's a great way to preserve land and forests. But some are huge tracts of land with amazing trails and sights to behold. 

We went to the northern, middle park of the state this weekend and, despite the rainy weather, we went on some lovely hikes! One was down to the bottom of the PA Grand Canyon. It was challenging, but so worth it!

I walked with the group a lot of the weekend, but Sunday morning I got up early, went out in the rain, and hiked up a mountain on my own. I took in the lovely views and found I was thankful the leaves hadn't fully popped because they wouldn't have hidden the broad vista. And as I thought of hidden things, I thought about the book I'm working on. I wanted to capture this quiet moment in the woods in it. I wanted to find a way to write the magic of a misty, spring morning. I weighed and measured words that might paint an accurate picture. I breathed deeply, listened to the springtime bird calls and let my thoughts chase after one another. They moved from one thing to another with no interruptions and no attempts on my part to reign them in.

 I'll confess, I love walking with friends and family. We get to catch up and enjoy the world together. But  on Sunday morning and here at home, my mornings are for me. I think about my family. I think about the world. I think about books I'm working on. I mull as I take in the sights. Walking has let me learn where I fit into the world. I read the seasons as if they're a book. And while it might seem to be a quiet, solitary walk, it is anything but. Stories ping pong, in amongst the thoughts and memories.

Yes, walking outside leads me to a lot of inner action. Some of those thoughts might enrich a book, some (I hope) will enrich me.

Wishing you some lovely walks this spring!


PS Sweet Success is Available today for Kindle and KU!

Secret Babies: Second Chances Anthology is. $.99 
Something Perfect is one of the stories!

 Around the Square
Book 1, 2 & 3 are out now. 
Book 4 is available for preorder

Barnes and Noble
Apple Books 

A View to a Kiln: A Harry's Pottery Mystery


May Newsletter

Spring into Another Around the Square Story!

I just got back from a northern, mid-state weekend. We did a lot of hiking and touring in the rain. But as my grandmother used to tell me, I'm not sugar, so I didn't melt. If you haven't been following me on Social Media, my daughter and I are trying to visit all of PA's 123 State Parks. So we rented a house last weekend and, despite the rain, we had a blast visiting nearby parks. We were sad we didn't get to enjoy star-gazing at Cherry Springs State Park. But we're planning to go again someday soon!

It really was a great time. I'm keeping track of the parks with this cool PA State Park board!

If you're interested in visiting PA, check out PA State Parks and ForestsDCNRHemlock to Hellbender Podcast, and Uncovering PA.
Now you might think that talking about Pennsylvania doesn't really have anything to do with Sweet Success, but since most of the books I write are set in the state, even more specifically in my favorite city, Erie, it does!

Sweet Success is another Around the Square story. It's got chocolate, a lost love and...maybe a real happily-ever-after!

The Around the Square series is available for Kindle and KU. Check out Sweet Success!

Thanks as always for all the support!
I hope you're having a lovely spring filled with long walks outside, good books and sooo much glee!

Copyright © 2023   All rights reserved.

Thursday, April 20, 2023



All families have secrets. Stories someone holds onto because they're just too painful to share. 

My grandmother had such a secret. When she passed, I found a letter from an attorney that enclosed her original birth certificate. Her bio mother's name was listed as Sarah K.. My grandmother's bio father's last name was listed as Miller. I knew she'd adored, Mills, the father who raised her. When he passed, her mother, Myrtle had lived with her. My mom adored her grandmother. I still have Myrtle's rocker in the living room. I knew it as my grandmother's rocker, but in reality it was her mom's. But the parents she loved and took cared for weren't her biological parents is what the birth certificate indicated. I can't imagine how finding that had rocked her world.

I talked to a friend of the family who said the rumor was my grandmother's adoptive father was also her biological father.  I suspect my grandmother heard that and that's why she went looking. The last name listed on the birth certificate could be a wordplay on his name. Miller-Mills.

 I found two Sarahs with the right last name, one in central PA and one in Ohio who were about the right age and both had been to Pittsburgh, where the birth certificate was issued. My grandfather was a railroad engineer and his route took him into Pittsburgh.

I had clues and little tidbits. I dug off and on for years. 

All that digging led me to DNA verification that the central PA Sarah was my bio great-grandmother. Census data and a few news clippings helped me piece together Sarah's story. I know she left central PA and went to Pittsburgh. Maybe she was there to go to nursing school or maybe she was already a nurse and working there (I'm still looking into that). I know that she ended up being a visiting nurse back in central PA. I even found a picture of her (She's the one in the front on the right). Sarah was twenty-one when my grandmother was born. Mills, the father who raised my grandmother was indeed my bio grandfather and he was in his forties when she was born.  

I've found records that Mills and his wife Myrtle lost a one day old son eighteen years before Mills brought my grandmother home to Myrtle. What kind of strength does it take to raise the child born of your husband's affair? I can't imagine. I do know Myrtle loved her and loved my mom. The fact that I'm looking into DNA relatives doesn't negate that love...Myrtle will always be my family. 

 When my grandmother got that birth certificate from the attorney, Sarah was still alive. She'd worked as a nurse and had retired from her visiting nurse job. She had lived in central PA with another single sister until that sister died. A second sister lived in Ohio with her family. Sarah's brother moved to New York. Once her roomie sister was gone, she was alone.  To the best of my knowledge, my grandmother never met her or contacted her. I might not have known Sarah, but I was alive when my grandmother got that birth certificate and I wish we'd met. 

Maybe it's the fact I'm a writer. Maybe it's the fact I'm a dreamer. Maybe there's some mitochondrial connection, but so many of these names in my family tree have become so real to me. I'd like to think that Sarah would be happy to know that she's now part of the family. That we were always out there and she was never truly alone. 

I love finding new threads in my family tree and unraveling them. I've found other secret babies. One was adopted by someone else in her family. One looks as if he was adopted and raised by a stepfather, but kept his bio dad's last name.

I found a relative who got drunk and froze to death. I've found one who helped found Brown University. I had a relative who was was an aide to George Washington. I've found sharecroppers. Lords and Ladies, Scottish clans. I have one relative who make a Paul Revere-esque ride through the Virginia mountains tell his neighbors that the British were coming (the Minions and I always give him a shout out and keep playing at writing him his own Paul Revere sort of poem). It's so easy to get carried away by the stories. 

It is frequently harder to track down the females in my tree. I'd really love to know more about them other than they were someone's wife and mother. So often they went by their husband's name on census forms. Mrs. So and So. Or her first name and his last name, making it hard to track down her birth records. I think that's one of the reasons I love that my mitochondrial DNA came from my mom. She got hers from her mom. My grandmother got hers from...Sarah. And so on and so on through the branches of my tree. Even the women I haven't established as anyone more than Mrs. So and So, are there in my mtDNA. I was my mother's only girl, and I love knowing that line of mtDNA will live on through my daughters and their daughter and...

Right now I'm reading a book on Maryland and my family's help in founding it. The book hoarder in me loves looking for these old tomes that tell my family's stories.

Speaking of stories, Something Borrowed is still for sale for a few more weeks. Something Perfect is part of the Second Chance Anthology. And the third book in Around the Square, Sweet Success, is out soon and available for preoder!

That's it for now!


 Something Borrowed is for sale for $.99!!

Secret Babies: Second Chances Anthology is. $.99 
Something Perfect is one of the stories!
 Around the Square
Book 1 & 2 are out now. 
Book 3 & 4 are available for preorder

Barnes and Noble
Apple Books 

A View to a Kiln: A Harry's Pottery Mystery
