Thursday, September 27, 2018

We Took to the Woods

I've been reading We Took to the Woods (Louise Dickenson Rich 1942) for months. Each chapter stands on its own, so it's the perfect book to read bit by bit. Louise and her family lived in a remote Maine cottage. She was a writer and sold articles to many magazines of the day. The hermit in me rather enjoys the idea of being that isolated. Though our lives are different, I can feel the connection. There's a whole chapter about placing catalog orders. And while that may seem to be a bygone time, it's rather like placing an Amazon order. I can get almost anything mailed to my house. LOL So while her talk of her home and her life there intrigues me, it's her talk about writing that really hits home. I loved this quote: "I couldn't write just anywhere...choose a place where you're going to like to be and do your writing there."

That's how I feel about writing at home or The Cottage...two places I like to be and enjoying writing in. I'll confess, I truly love writing at The Cottage. I love feeling that sense of isolation. My cellphone only has reception in a limited fashion. If you take two steps to the right or left, you can lose the signal. There's no internet or tv. And while it's not as isolated as Louise's, I can't see any neighbors from either porch. But I can see wildlife. The hickory nuts have started falling and its squirrel-palooza.

And my new trail-cam is allowing me to see more of the wildlife who shares my woods.
I do love writing at home, but truly, The Cottage is my favorite place to write. Even though We Took to the Woods was written a lifetime ago, I get it. Louise speaks to me. And as I writer, I respect that. I love that a book can open a window to another time and place, but can allow you to connect the people who reside there.
And more than that, I love that the book really is about finding the place you belong. The place you can thrive. Erie is my place.
Speaking of taking to the woods...more stoning at The Cottage today! Yep, I'm taking to the woods!

PS Another Trippin' Video:

Susan and I are Trippin' around Presque Isle for this series of trip. We started out at TREC (Tom Ridge Environmental Center). We're talking about marketing today. This one's writer-centric, but we did a lot of reader-centric stay tuned!

Don't forget my new release Polished Off: A Maid in LA Mystery is out! Check out Quincy's newest adventure!

Then go back to school with three PTA Moms.  There's a bonus short story included! Check out the PTA Mom Collection!!

Able to Love Again...There's a new episode out today!

Don't want to miss any new releases in the future? Subscribe to my Newsletter!! I'll keep you up-to-date and I frequently have something special for subscribers!

As always, you can find my ebooks, paperbacks, hardbacks, audiobooks and available through Kindle Unlimited.  They're also available in a lot of other languages. I hope there's something for all of you!

Find my books at:

In Erie, you can find my books on the shelf at Werner Books

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Same Time Next Year...Next Summer

I went to see Same Time, Next Year in neighboring Ashtabula, Ohio last night. If you're in the area, definitely go see was wonderful!  I saw the movie years ago and found that idea of sharing a life with weekend a year.

It really inspired me when I started writing for Harlequin's Everlasting Love series. That idea of a friendship that develops over a lifetime of summer vacations on Lake Erie (of course...although this one was set in Ohio!)

I will confess, I love the imagery of the opening. That idea that life is full of change...hang on here it is:


Twelve-year-old Carolyn Kendal threw open the cottage door and ran out onto the porch. The force of the wind took her breath away.
She looked out at Lake Erie. The wind had whipped it into a frenzy, pounding wave after wave onto the shore.

Stephan Foster, her best friend each summer, was on his family’s porch, waving at her.

Caro tugged at the leg of her swimsuit. The suit didn’t fit as well as it had when she’d arrived with her mom and dad at their Heritage Bay, Ohio, summer-home last month. She smiled as she continued pulling it into place. Normally, she didn’t like things to change but she was pleased that she’d finally started growing. For two years she’d been lamenting her lack of height, certain she’d never get any taller than four feet eleven.

She glanced down at her chest and hoped that if she was growing taller, she’d also start growing out, but truly, she didn’t feel very optimistic.

Optimistic was her word of the week. She liked the way it felt as it rolled off her tongue.


It seemed like such a happy word. And on days like this, when the beach was this perfect, it was the right word to describe herself. She was optimistic.

“Caro.” Stephan’s voice was laced with exasperation. “Come on. We haven’t had a day like this all summer.”

He was now down on the beach, waiting for her.

“Caro,” he called again, louder, more impatient.

And though she knew they were getting too old for this game, there was a comfort in it. She might be starting seventh grade in September, but this was familiar and hadn’t changed. She stopped pulling at her yellow suit, quit playing with words and ran to him. Her bare feet made a slapping noise on the cement walkway then quieted as soon as she reached the rocky sand.

“Here comes one.” Stephan stood poised, ready to run.

Caro got ready, too. She extended her right leg, bending at the knee, waiting for just the right moment. She knew from years of experience, it was all about the right moment. Too soon, too late...either would ruin the run.

“Go.” Stephan sprinted forward and she followed on his heels.

The wind whipped the marshmallow-puffy clouds across the sky. Pushing. Pushing. The clouds bumped into the sun high over head. That was the moment that signaled they could start

They ran between the rocky cliff and Lake Erie, on the small swatch of pebbly sand, chasing the edge of the sun’s shadow.
Sometimes, if the breeze was lazy enough, they would catch it. But on days like today, when the wind really kicked up, they never did. But it didn’t matter. The joy was in the chase.

“We lost it.” Caro stopped, panting for air.

“There will be another shadow in a few minutes.” Stephan, a year older than she was, had the weight of that extra twelve-month’s wisdom. This time he nodded sagely, his summer-long hair flopping onto his forehead, and added, “Yep, everything always changes. We just have to wait, catch our breath, ’cause there’s always another shadow.” 

Everything always changes. There’s always another shadow, she thought.

That movie inspired the structure of this story. That idea of coming back every year to two people who grow up together and then grow into a mature friendship...and maybe grow into something more. That idea of life being made of shadows and sunlight.  And of course my lake (although I do share Lake Erie with everyone LOL).

People ask where writers get their inspiration...Susan and I have talked about that in some of our Trippin' with Holly and Susan videos (they're all parked on YouTube).  Like I said then, they're everywhere.  This story is nothing like Same Time, Next Year, but that movie did inspire me.  And that marvelous play last night reminded me of why I wrote that book.

Inspiration is everywhere. 

As summer gives way to fall, I hope you all find something that inspires you (I'm still inspired and gleeful over my pottery!)! If you haven't read it yet, I hope you'll check out Same Time Next Summer!  And if you're in the area, check out Same Time, Next Year in Ashtabula!!


PS. Speaking of Trippin' videos, here's our most recent one...

Today Susan and I  talk about childhood vacations and the little moments that stick with us. Little Moments. For me, those are the sweetest moments in life...and in my books!

I mentioned my Nothing But...short stories in the video. Check out this trilogy of animal adoption stories...and love!

Don't forget my new release Polished Off: A Maid in LA Mystery is out! Check out Quincy's newest adventure!

Then go back to school with three PTA Moms.  There's a bonus short story included! Check out the PTA Mom Collection!!

Able to Love Again...There's a new episode out today!

Don't want to miss any new releases in the future? Subscribe to my Newsletter!! I'll keep you up-to-date and I frequently have something special for subscribers!

As always, you can find my ebooks, paperbacks, hardbacks, audiobooks and available through Kindle Unlimited.  They're also available in a lot of other languages. I hope there's something for all of you!

Find my books at:

In Erie, you can find my books on the shelf at Werner Books

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Artistry of Life

I'm back in my ceramics class and working at learning to throw on a wheel.  It's not easy.  Not easy at all.  I can't tell you how many pieces have gone caliwumpus (that's a technical term...LOL). But I sit back down at the wheel and try again. And again. And again.  I'm not sure if it's a passion for pottery or just plain stubbornness.  But there I am, clay splattered and trying.

The school will have an Empty Bowl fundraiser in the spring and I signed on to make 50 bowls.  Yesterday, I trimmed the bottom of now I'm at 32/50.  And I'm learning about finishing, too.  A finished bowl has a foot on it. It's not just decorative. It thins out the bottom of the bowl so it fires better, and it helps keep glaze on the bowl, not on the bottom of the kiln.  Real potters will pick up a piece and check the bottom to see how it's finished.  I guess the true mark of artistry is making something no one sees beautiful.

I like that thought.

Artistry can be something no one else really sees.

It's a nice thought that applies to real life.  I think we should all strive to be an artist at life. Doing kind things no one else will ever see or notice.  I like to think kindness is contagious. So while I'm working at getting better at pottery (my goal is to have my professor pick up a bowl and say, I'd use this) I think I'll try to get better at the artistry of life.  Doing small acts of kindness (maybe large acts of kindness LOL) and spewing kindness like I try to spew glee.  The world can always use a bit more kindness and glee!

Those 50 bowls I've promised to make turned into 51. So many people have asked for my pottery, I thought giving one away would be fun.  The problem with that is how to draw one name.  I've been doing more of my giveaways through my email list. So if you want a chance at a bowl, all you have to do to have your name in the hat (not a real hat LOL) is be signed up for my newsletter. You can do that here.  I'll draw in November.

As we all go out today, let's try to be artists of life and spread some kindness and glee!!



Monday's newest Trippin' with Holly and Susan. 

If you've missed episodes, you can find them here.

Don't forget my new release Polished Off: A Maid in LA Mystery is out! Check out Quincy's newest adventure!

Then go back to school with three PTA Moms.  There's a bonus short story included! Check out the PTA Mom Collection!!

Able to Love Again...There's a new episode out today!

PTA Moms: the Collection

Don't want to miss any new releases in the future? Subscribe to my Newsletter!! I'll keep you up-to-date and I frequently have something special for subscribers!

As always, you can find my ebooks, paperbacks, hardbacks, audiobooks and available through Kindle Unlimited.  They're also available in a lot of other languages. I hope there's something for all of you!

Find my books at:

In Erie, you can find my books on the shelf at Werner Books

Friday, September 14, 2018

Trippin' with Holly and Susan—28

As a reader I love reading book series...and as a writer I love writing them! Find out why in Trippin' with Holly and Susan today!  

And when you're done, check out the newly released series: The PTA Mom Collection (Includes Bestselling Once Upon a Thanksgiving, Once Upon a Christmas, Once Upon a Valentine's and a bonus story...Once Upon Three Weddings) and my new Maid in LA Mystery #5, Polished Off (Quincy's found another dead body...seriously, how many murders can one maid clean up??)!


PS Don't want to miss any new releases in the future? Subscribe to my Newsletter!! I'll keep you up-to-date and I frequently have something special for subscribers!

As always, you can find my ebooks, paperbacks, hardbacks, audiobooks and available through Kindle Unlimited.  They're also available in a lot of other languages. I hope there's something for all of you!

Find my books at:

In Erie, you can find my books on the shelf at Werner Books

Monday, September 10, 2018

Stoning, Wolfing and Learning...oh my.

I spend a lot of My Novel Freshman Experience posts talking about going back to school and learning new things (so far just about ceramics, but maybe someday soon I'll take another type of class LOL).  But here's the big thing I hope to share...learning something new doesn't require going back to school.  This weekend Himself and I started stoning behind the woodstove at The Cottage.  That is something very new.  We've laid tile before, but this is a different process altogether.  We're hoping to finish it over the course of a few visits.

It's not just people who learn new skills.  Since we lost Ethel Merman, Ella Fitzgerald has had to learn to be an only dog.  She's been more than a little lost.  But she's getting better.  We've been trying to convince her she's a camp dog.  She's pretty sure she's not, but we're still trying.  After we finished our stoning this weekend, we headed out to the truck. I didn't bother to put Ella on her lead...she's always happy to leave camp and head back to the house.  But this time...she took off.  She found her inner-wolf and led us on a merry chase.  Well, merry on her part.  She is very fast for a small sausage dog.  

But in the end, we lured her back to the truck with a treat.  She learned that camp can be fun.  We learned that she is a dog who will continued using her lead...even if it's just a short walk to the truck.  (This picture was taken after her wild wolf run...she doesn't looked the least bit sorry, does she?)

I'm still loving ceramics, but it's led me to painting as well.  I'm enjoying that as well.  That's the thing with thing leads to another.  I'm hoping Ella's done learning about her inner-wolf, but I know I'm not done learning about pottery and painting and stoning and...  Well, I'm not done with any of it.

I hope you have your Monday Glee today and that you find something new to learn about and maybe love!

Here's a couple more Trippin' with Holly and Susan videos.  We're still touring Erie with this round.  So come to Erie (at least in the videos, but we'd love if you came in real life, too!) and talk about books with us.  If you have any questions or topics you'd like us to discuss, please let me know!


Today Susan and I are talking about writing assistants. And we're continuing our tour of Erie, PA. We're at the courthouse in this episode...on the outside, not the inside! LOL  

Reader Expectations...they're something writers try to meet. Find out why in our newest video. When you pick up a Holly Jacobs' book, what do you expect?
I talked about the three types of books I write...comedy, drama and cozy mystery. Check out all three and tell me if you can find what they have in common. Comedy...PTA Moms: The Collection Drama...Briar Hill Road Cozy Mystery...Polished Off

Don't forget my new release Polished Off: A Maid in LA Mystery is out! Check out Quincy's newest adventure!

Then go back to school with three PTA Moms.  There's a bonus short story included! Check out the PTA Mom Collection!!

Able to Love Again...There's a new episode out today!

PTA Moms: the Collection

Don't want to miss any new releases in the future? Subscribe to my Newsletter!! I'll keep you up-to-date and I frequently have something special for subscribers!

As always, you can find my ebooks, paperbacks, hardbacks, audiobooks and available through Kindle Unlimited.  They're also available in a lot of other languages. I hope there's something for all of you!

Find my books at:

In Erie, you can find my books on the shelf at Werner Books