Sunday, April 29, 2018

Work in Progress: My Novel Freshman Experience

There's a term that writers in progress.  It's the book we're currently writing.  For instance, for all you Maid in LA lovers, I'm working on a second cozy mystery series right now.  That's my WIP.

But I think that WIP really describes all of us.  I think that going back to school this year has really reminded me of that.  I'm still loving ceramics.  But I started to think about decorating and realized I needed to have better painting skills to do realize some of my designs.  So I've been playing with painting.  Since what I do has a very folk art feel, that's what I wanted with my painting.  I started decorating some clementine orange boxes, and today I was working on an actual painting (the pictures at the top of the blog).  It's a (oh you know what I'm going to say) WIP, but I'm heartened by the fact that the elements are at least a bit recognizable.  I'm happy with my trees, which is a big goal, and I'm pretty happy that the quilts look quiltish.  I think it's clear that I have spring on my mind!

And quilts for that matter.  Remember those ceramic tiles I made?  Himself (my husband for those who don't hang out with me a lot) put together the frame for me today.  I hope to get them all mounted this week. 

I like to think that not only are the crafts I enjoy WIP's, but  that I am as well.  Every new craft I learn, every book I write, every book I read, all the people in my life, everything I do reshapes me in some way.  All of them alter my perception—some just a little bit, and some profoundly.  I like the idea that I'm not the same person I was years ago.  Oh, maybe some basics are still there, but I hope that all the years and experiences have added depth and layers.  Yes, I like thinking of myself as WIP.  I hope you do as well!


PS My love of crafts shows through in books like Christmas in Cupid Falls, A Simple Heart and Just One Thing.  I hope you'll pick them up!

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