Monday, February 26, 2018

Book Stories: The Book

In the interest of truth, every book I write is a story.  I thought we should start there.

I'm starting a new blog series called Book Stories that will be small stories about the way a book came into existence.  Maybe what inspired it.  Maybe something that happened when I was writing it.  Maybe what the story meant to me.

I've found that when I go out to speak, those are things people always ask about.

I'm starting with The Book.  It's a short story.  So this is a short Book Story.

I found a copy of Gene Stratton-Porter's The Harvester at a housesale.  I was so excited because I love her A Girl of the Limberlost and never read The Harvester.  I brought it home and found...

Who does that?  I was steamed, not because of the $1 I'd wasted but because someone messed with a book.  

I stewed about that book for a few days, wondering why someone would ruin a perfectly good book.  What could be so important?  And then voila...I had an idea. And that idea grew into a story.  That's how it normally goes for me.

And that's the short story on how this short story came about.  I also took the pictures for the story.  I wanted to mimic the original illustrations.  So that's my picture on the cover and the rest inside.  It's The Harvester sitting on one of my quilts.  
Now that you know a bit about how it was written, I hope you'll check out the story.  It's at Amazon, Kobo, and B&N.

I hope you enjoy the new Book Stories series!  Some will be current books, and some will be about older books.  If you have a question about a book, feel free to send it to me and I'll see if I can answer it!



  1. Book Series sounds like a gem of a blog. Looking forward to it.

  2. Thanks so much, Gaby!
