Over the years a lot of people have asked what my day's look like. Someone just asked again. So today, I'll tell you. #ADayInAWritersLife
3:30 am: Up & scribbling for WIP. "Can you imagine your heart bursting 'cause of too much love? It's like saying there's too much Christmas or too much ice cream." #ADayInAWritersLife
5am: Woke up, fed dogs, made coffee, did some dishes. Checking email/social media. Starting
5:45: Working & debating getting coffee or waiting for my dh to wake up & bring me some. I waited
8 am #TeaserTuesday This seemed like a good #TT for
Carry Her Heart given I'm writing about #ADayInAWritersLife today!
8 am Had breakfast, read the paper, dressed, walked the dogs, 'd now !
8:48 am: The kids just left...the house is mine!

9:05 Google Alerts just sent me a link to a new review. I stopped working to read it. I was happy!
10:30-1: Went to nursing home, took kids to dentist, went to bank & post office (Apr prizes mailed out) & lunch!
1 pm:
2:24 pm: Water-cooler break. Showing off two new covers. My August US and my Spanish May cover! #ADayInAWritersLife
3:30 pm: Cleaned up two chapters and wrote new pages...and wrote new pages, some were based on my nighttime scribbles
3:30 pm: Answering posts. Love hearing about Carry Her Heart. I hope readers how much those comments mean to writers!
4 pm: Dh got home. Did a few chores. Had dinner (huge salads...yum). Leaving for a get-together now!
5 pm: After dinner, checked on the garden (asparagus tomorrow!) and went to the get-together!
7 pm: DH: Do you have room for ice cream?
Me: Is there such a thing as not enough room for it?
7:30 pm: Watched the news and did some reading. A few more chores.
9:00 pm: Agents of Shield. One of my favorite shows!
10 pm: Bedtime! And thus ends
... in this writer's life.
Here's the thing, today I was out of the house a lot more than most days, so I kind of feel as if today's schedule was false advertising. But that's the thing with a big family...there is no such thing as a normal day.
My life is a quiet one. I find such pleasure in spending time with my family. I love reading, gardening and puttering around the house. And I really love sitting in a quiet house and working on my next book. My new WIP...well, it's obviously waking me up in the middle of the night.
Thanks so much for following my day and thank you so much to everyone who's picked up and read Carry Her Heart already. And a special thanks to everyone who's sent me a note about it, or reviewed! Writing is so solitary...it's so nice to get that feedback!
What's on my calendar tomorrow??? Same thing...only without errands!