Friday, September 06, 2013

Friends' Friday #8

Yes, it's Friday again!  I know I'm known for my Monday Glee, but I've got Friday Glee, too, when I realize I get to put together another Friends' Friday.  Here are weeks OneTwoThree FourFiveSix and Seven in case you missed them.  Hope you find a new-to-you author this week!

I always love hearing from Liz Flaherty...and love reading her books, too!

Heather McAllister always has the most beautiful jewelry, but she has one spider broach that I truly adore!  That pin doesn't make me like spiders in my house any more...I still scream like a girl when I see one, but when I finish screaming, I always think of Heather in the nicest way!  LOL

Nancy Warren is my conference roommate.  We leave on opposite coasts, in different countries, but whenever we get together it's like we live next door and chat every day.  She's a wonderful friend...I wish she did live next door!

I met Virginia Kantra at one of the first conferences I went to...and I always look for her when I go to one now.  I think that's my favorite part of conferences turning a corner and finding a friend!

I met Amanda Baker Usen when I was speaking in Buffalo at a  Western New York RWA meeting.  She was talking about selling Scrumptious! I'm so excited that it's finally out!

Speaking of new books, I mentioned it on my social media, but in case you missed it, I've sold two more books to Montlake Books.  One Thing will be out in's a book of my heart.  And next Christmas, there's a new book that set in a new town...and Nana Vancy will be visiting for all you Nana Vancy fans!

And last bit of news...there's a new Quincy book out in just a couple weeks!  You can check out an excerpt at my website!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  It's Tall Ship festival here in Erie!



  1. Thanks for the shout-out, Holly--and I love being in such great company!

  2. Liz, It was my pleasure!!
