Tuesday, December 01, 2020

As the weather turns cooler...

 As the weather turns cooler, my thoughts turn to the holidays. The adults in my family don't give gifts anymore for Christmas. We concentrate on family time instead and make a big family donation to some charity. This year we're giving to the food bank because so many families are in need.

The kids...that's where the magic is.  I think one of my favorite gifts of the year will be for our little girl minion. She's getting an American Girl doll. My kids got them when they were young and they were such amazing gifts. Their grandfather and Himself made them boxes to store their doll's belongings in and a doll bed. Himself is doing the same for girl-minion. And their grandmother made my kids a bunch of doll clothes. I'm on that part for GM (girl minion). I've made her a few skirts and headbands. But my favorite thing is the quilt I made her. I used some of my MIL's scrap hearts and some buttons from my grandmother's button box. 

Yes, of course I made her doll masks to go with the outfits. They'll be a reminder of what year she got the doll! And she's addicted to pink. I think the box will hit the mark! Yes, my Christmas will be filled with glee! And though we got the other minions all very cool gifts, her Christmas is going to be the winner. I think she's going to be so excited!

Ahhh, the holidays. This is going to be a strange one. There's uncertainty about whether families will be able to be together. But being together physically is secondary to being part of one another. Two of my kids live out of town, but I speak to them often. We Facetime and chat a lot. That connection—that being together—is still strong. So whatever this holiday season brings, I don't doubt that we'll all be together, even if we're apart. 

I hope you are finding glee this holiday...even if it's going to be a different one! I'll keep you posted on how the doll gifts go!


If you haven't visited yet, come see what HollysWoods Studio has to offer.

Christmas in Cupid Falls and Everything But a Christmas Eve are both on sale for $.99 for Christmas!

And check out Hometown Hearts:

Crib Notes
: Hometown Hearts #1

A Special Kind of Different: Hometown Hearts #2

Homecoming: Hometown Hearts #3


Suddenly a Father: Hometown Hearts #4

Something Borrowed: Hometown Hearts #5
PREORDER. Available 1/21

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