Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Patience—Word of the Year

I started picking a word of the year long while back.

I don't like resolutions. If you break them then you feel like a loser.  Goals are better. Something you're working toward, but still if you don't achieve the goal, there's an element of failure to it. A Word of the Year is better yet. They're goal-esque. But they're also a foundation to build a year around. They're something to weave into the fabric of your year. Something for everything else to spring from.

I know I'm early, but I've already picked my Word of the Year for 2020...Patience.

Being laid up with crutches means I'm relying on others more than I am accustomed to. Himself has been amazing. He's been trying to take care of me. Trying is the big word. I am not easy to take care of.  LOL But I'm working on my patience. (Maybe it's not just patience but a certain humbleness I require. It takes a humbleness to ask for help. I'm going to mull that over now that I've thought of it.)  I have figured out how to get my own drinks (travel mugs shoved in sweatpants pocket) and even a bowl of lunch (office chair used as a rolling table) but I didn't do either this weekend...I've asked Himself for help.  He's been infinitely patient with this less than patient patient. LOL He's picked up the slack for me.

So I'm working on my patience with myself.

I have always been the caretaker. When I was young, I took care of my brothers, including a baby brother twelve years younger than me. I've taken care of my kids, my extended family, neighbors. That's the role I'm used to. Caregiver. Care-ie...not so much.

In that last blog post I said every obstacle comes with a gift in its hand. And it does. I'm hoping one of the gifts these crutches have brought me is patience. So there's a gift.

Sometimes my word of the year isn't difficult. One of my favorite words of a year was Glee...I tend to have a lock on that. And come to think about it, I've found glee even in the midst of all this. But patience...yeah, I've got some work to do this year! And maybe that's not such a bad thing. Sometimes it's good to have some work to do.

Every obstacle comes with a gift.  I suspect that learning to be more patient isn't going to be this particular obstacle's only gift.

How about you? Are you thinking about a word for 2020?


PS The first two Hometown Hearts books are available for preorder!! Yes, A Special Kind of Different is up too!! Crib Notes is out in January, A Special Kind of Different in March!!

Crib Notes:

A Special Kind of Different:


  1. If you plan on practicing what you seek, you are in for a bumpy ride. God allows us the ability to ask for certain virtues and yes, patience is one of them. However, patience is acquired only by trials. You are young so you might as well deal with it this year and get it out of the way. It does make things much easier but it is a hard fought battle but one worth it.

    1. Thank you so much! It's been a long time since someone has called me young! LOL But I do take your meaning!
