Happy Holidays!
So, my youngest, firmly believing in my cooking/baking abilities, decided she wanted to make a gingerbread house. Now, I've never made one, but found a recipe and templates for one in my magazine, and we set out to create a masterpiece.
Uh...this would be one of those cases when the best of intentions don't always make for succesful results.
The gingerbread turned out great. It produced rock hard pieces. The "glue" seemed less than adequate though. We tried, and did manage to get the the walls to stay up. The roof...well, not so much. After a long period of trying, I admitted defeat. My dh called and said save the house pieces and we'd all try again the next day. So youngest daughter and I scraped off the less than sticky glue and set the house aside.
Now, this is where I should mention my dog, Ethel Merman's favorite treat is gingersnaps. The spicier the better. Well, she sniffed out the house, and in a wolf chasing little pigs sort of thing, ate it. SIGH. Our gingerbread house was not to be. LOL I asked my youngest if she wanted to try again. She just snorted. That was the end of our gingerbread house making for the year. Maybe we'll try again next year.
Now, all this was slightly humiliating, but to add insult to injury, every show on the Food Network the next day featured...wait for it....wait for it...gingerbread houses. And I'm not talking the tiny cottage we attempted, I'm talking whole villages...people....animals. Some of the people said they spent more than 250 hours on them. And my dh kept skimming over to the shows, calling us to view the masterpieces. Grrr. Guess who's getting coal under the tree? LOL
Speaking of trees, and gingerbread...may you all have a wonderful holiday (whichever holiday you're celebrating this December)! May it be filled with family, friends, fun and lots of love!

(The gingerbread house at Walt Disney's Grand Floridian...this is not what ours looked like! LOL)