Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Happy Holidays!

So, my youngest, firmly believing in my cooking/baking abilities, decided she wanted to make a gingerbread house. Now, I've never made one, but found a recipe and templates for one in my magazine, and we set out to create a masterpiece.

Uh...this would be one of those cases when the best of intentions don't always make for succesful results.

The gingerbread turned out great. It produced rock hard pieces. The "glue" seemed less than adequate though. We tried, and did manage to get the the walls to stay up. The roof...well, not so much. After a long period of trying, I admitted defeat. My dh called and said save the house pieces and we'd all try again the next day. So youngest daughter and I scraped off the less than sticky glue and set the house aside.

Now, this is where I should mention my dog, Ethel Merman's favorite treat is gingersnaps. The spicier the better. Well, she sniffed out the house, and in a wolf chasing little pigs sort of thing, ate it. SIGH. Our gingerbread house was not to be. LOL I asked my youngest if she wanted to try again. She just snorted. That was the end of our gingerbread house making for the year. Maybe we'll try again next year.

Now, all this was slightly humiliating, but to add insult to injury, every show on the Food Network the next day featured...wait for it....wait for it...gingerbread houses. And I'm not talking the tiny cottage we attempted, I'm talking whole villages...people....animals. Some of the people said they spent more than 250 hours on them. And my dh kept skimming over to the shows, calling us to view the masterpieces. Grrr. Guess who's getting coal under the tree? LOL

Speaking of trees, and gingerbread...may you all have a wonderful holiday (whichever holiday you're celebrating this December)! May it be filled with family, friends, fun and lots of love!


(The gingerbread house at Walt Disney's Grand Floridian...this is not what ours looked like! LOL)

Friday, December 15, 2006

Last July's Here With Me (cover to the far left) is being reprinted in January '07 by Thorndike. It's a large print/hardback edition and you can find it at Amazon.com.

I love when my books travel! Here With Me is also out in Spain!


Tuesday, December 12, 2006

"Oh, the weather outside is frightful..." Okay, I might be in the Christmas spirit, but this isn't quite the right song, because today, it's everso beautiful out! The sun is shining and the temp is supposed to get near 50, which is very rare for Erie, PA in December. Last week, we had Lake Effect snow, and my fireplace was in use all day. Today, I'm thinking I'll be fine outside with just a sweatshirt! Love that.

But despite the unseasonable weather, I'm in the holiday mood! We put the Christmas tree up on Sunday, I've made five batches of hard candy and a slew of cookies. I love this time of year. And because I love giving gifts, I have a cool contest going on my website. Visit me at http://www.hollyjacobs.com/ and go to the contest link. I'm giving away a very cool, handcrafted purse. The material is bookshelves (it's hard to see in the picture) and is perfect for readers. I'll be drawing New Year's Day, so get your entry in now!

Happy Chanukah, to everyone who celebrates it!!


Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Well, I did my own variation of Dashing Through the Mall on Saturday morning...I call it power-shopping. Now, truth be told, I hate to shop, but if I have to do it, I go in knowing what I need, get it, then escape as quickly as possible. My kids have all learned the fine art of power-shopping. Unfortunately, my husband has not. And to make matters worse, we were shopping for gifts that involved tools. Yes, I had to take my non-power-shopping husband into Sear's tool department, where row after row of Craftsman tools required that my he weigh their merit next to his own. So, power-shopping wasn't all that powerful. As a matter of fact, it pretty much came to a standstill in Sears. My daughter and I made short excursions into other departments, only to return to see if he was done...and find he wasn't. The good news is, the boys on our list he was tool shopping for will have a very nice Christmas morning!

Okay, now that I've totally ratted out my husband's tool obsession, I have to confess, there is one store in the mall that is my downfall. A store I can't manage to power-shop through. The bookstore! Our is a Borders Express with some of the nicest employees ever! I always go into the store, smile at them and set off with the best of power-shopping intentions. I find the book I want, and feeling smug in my power-shopping abilities, head toward the cash register and...a book calls to me. It demands I pick it up and admire the cover, check out the back blurb, maybe skim a few pages. I swear, it's like a siren's song, befuddling me to the point I forget all about power-shopping and the fact I hate shopping as they weave a spell and make me not only pick them up, but by them...a quantity of them. I used to read a book a day easily. But now that I write, I don't have as much time, so my speed has slowed down, but that hasn't slowed my purchasing. I have a TBR (to be read) pile that's growing on its own! Last time I went in for a couple presents, and ended up buying myself Norah Ephron's, I Feel Bad About My Neck. What a riot! I couldn't put it down.

Hope you all are making headway with your holiday preparations! Check back next week...I'm doing a little holiday contest (with give aways).


PS Another angle on shopping comes from Isabel Swift at http://www.isabelswift.blogspot.com/. Her November 30th blog.