Sunday, August 13, 2023

Holly Jacobs' August Newsletter

Who's the Boss? is finally out!!

I hope you all are having a wonderful summer. We've been busy at camp. There are so many projects that still need done after last year's addition. But despite that, we still find time to have fun. This weekend's bonfire was amazing!

In other news, we have a new addition...Mabel Francis. Tallulah wasn't sure at first, but they're growing closer every day. And a puppy does add to the summer chaos! Our dogs do tend to make it into my books...keep an eye out for Mabel sometime in the future. (Yes, it might be hard to see dogs are not super photogenic. LOL)

But the big news is, Who's the Boss, book #4 in the Around the Square series, is finally out for your Kindle!!

Mia loves everything about her job...everything except Larry Mackenzie. But sometimes fate makes unlikely allies. When Mac inherits a baby, Mia helps out with Katie O'Keefe until Mac can find the baby a forever home. But the more time they spend together, the more Mia discovers that maybe she was wrong. Something about Mac is pulling at her. But if he can't open his heart to Katie, how will he ever let Mia in? Mac needs to discover that family isn’t something you are born into, sometimes it’s something just waiting for you to discover. If you listen, your heart can show you the way to your true family...and everlasting love.

In Who's the Boss?, Mac and Mia find that sometimes the path you think you're on isn't where you're supposed to be headed at all.

If you've missed any of the Amazon exclusive series, you can find them all here... 

Around the Square.

I waited to send out my Who's the Boss email because I wanted to let you know that Suddenly a Father is on sale for $.99 for the rest of August.

 Suddenly a Father

That's it for now! The second Harry's Pottery, Slip and Fall is out this autumn. If you missed A View to a Kiln, (a Jeopardy answer!!) check it out!

As always, thanks for all your support! Enjoy the last days of summer...and if you have kids at home, REALLY enjoy when they go back to school!
