Please imagine my excitement when friends in Nebraska let me know Harry's Pottery was a Jeopardy answer. Uh, if in your imagination I was shrieking, you are right!
Here it is, in case you missed it!
It was a goal I didn't even know I had!
Speaking of missing something, if you haven't checked it out yet, here are Harry's links!
And while you're shopping, take a look at July's Chances. It's available for pre-order. A foster-mom, a troubled teen and a man who doesn't know what hit him.
I've fired may first couple kilns this summer. I made some lovely plates and of course more face jugs! Oh, and I made some tiles for my new bathroom (after years of an outhouse) at the cottage! There are pics up on FB and Instagram. I know, you're thinking, now that Holly's made it to Jeopardy she's fancy and needs indoor plumbing. LOL I hope your spring is going wonderfully!! As always, thank you for all your support!