Years ago, I gave up on New Year's Resolutions. Instead, I pick one word to build my year around. I love that other people have joined me in the tradition. I've used words like Stop, Moment, Awareness, Step, Optimism, Change, Stretch, Time, Hope...
I've been mulling 2018's word and finally landed on Chapter. With that word I'm acknowledging that things changed last year and will continue to change next year.
In 2017 I lost my mother in July and losing her has left a hole in my life. I went back to school in August and discovered so much glee in Ceramics and My Novel Freshman Experience. My family is another year older and they're lives are changing and evolving, and I'll confess, I feel such a sense of pride when I look at what amazing people they are.
So 2018 will begin with me in a new place...a new chapter if you will. By choosing that as my word of the year, I'm reminding myself that even when change is hard, I should more than accept those changes, I should embrace them! I should try and make this chapter the best one yet.
How about you? Do you have a word of the year?
Happy New Year, my friends. Thank you to everyone who's followed my pottery adventures and a huge thanks to everyone who's picked up a book, left a review and shared a bit glee with me!

PS My new release, Once Upon a Valentine's is out on Tuesday! I hope you'll check out my PTA Mom series!